My Brady Bunch Family!

Well yesterday was just another day in my life..a lonng list of chores awaited my morning. I started early armed with my daily dose of caffeine in my hand..feeding the pets..the dog, the cat and the birds. hardly a chore I would call it..they make me smile:) mornings can be so much fun with a little frisky paws running about with a worn out ball in his mouth wanting to play with you and a furry little ball purring against your legs trying to catch your attention away from the other horrendous creature called Cuddles.well Hardly a cuddle should he be called as Bubbles the furry female is more cuddly towards the mistress. Or well thats how Bubbles thinks..shes the queen cat who abhors the wriggly little monster who has invaded her privacy and her love! The squishy little doormat is well another story. hes love sick.. love lorn to the core. No really, he needs to be taken to a psychiatrist..and a we have a dentist in the making in our house. He will be her first patient she no worries on that count. Cuddles have strange sort of a pair of teeth protruding right in front like a pair of bug tooth..quite funny they seem when he smiles..or grins..or is sheepish, creates quite a drama..this lil drama king lol!
Funny we have  so many bug tooth in our family..starting from the master chipmunk to baby rabbit to minnie rabbit..hehe and now we hav this new member..a trade mark for us I must say. well thanks to these dentist no more visible trade mark..I would say!
So as I was saying mornings can be really hillarious in my house if you look at the brighter side..a real running around you..cats tripping you and the birds creating a furore for getting their meal late. Oh and I forgot to elaborate abt the birs..they are again the funniest lot in our house. Now you would be asking me how on earth can any kinds of birds be called funny??  In answer to that I would like to apprise you my daer reader that our birds do have a strange streak to their nature. For eons that we had a the oldest pair of theses so called Love birds did'nt seem to connect to each other not even by adding another pair of companion to their nest.Well for years I called them our Homo birds as they would'nt budge..ahem.. breed. Well, so it was the winter of last 2009 ie. last year when we came back from our tropical holiday thatwe found astrange lull in the bird house. the reason being they needed a sheltering privacy that our gardener provided while we were away and so it turned out was exactly what they needed. the lull passes in no time and from then on there has been no applying breaks. family planning is going to kill us if they happen to pass this way lol!
Ours is the Brady Bunch.. no humans in this bunch as of now except for us the master and the mistress and one dentist in the is a wild world out here. Born as you like..jump shout be youself crowd. Now now dont be scared..our Brady bunch is the sweetest trio that will make you fall for them within no time...oops I forgot my brady bunch needs to Play time see you tom with another story of my life:)