Wednesday, February 23, 2011

No Regrets!

Hi there, long time no write ups heh???
well i have been really busy with a wedding and that too a v imp one in my life son's. Any ways as it is it was one hullabaloo, lots of fun and frolic..preparations for the gifts and dances and events.Phew am I poofed out. no breath left. had the most fun myself despite the emotional and financial drain out. No regrets!
Life is short, sweet and there s no room for regrets ..enjoy all the moments..savour each morsel..drink in all the beauty in this world as if its your last hour. Only then one can realize its worth. The blessings we have been bestowed with.I may be the mid aged moma of a proud clan but i feel i have a life of my own as well. A rel living full of life vivacious personality. I can shout, sing aloud and dance till I drop.And why not thats the secret of my eternal youth and beauty. I advice the same to every one the same.No regrets.. no jealousies, no worries. Dwell in a positive aura and exude this light around you. Its contagious you know. Makes you and the people around you feel elated.
I guess one must learn to accep ones faults and others as well and move on if bad times strike. Regretting only makes it worse.I love life..its blessings..its cultures and people. Theres so much to live for. die for, yearn for. So, why regret when life has been so kind in so many ways. if not financially in kind or family or love. Think what others dont have and you have. The love of family the appreciation of friends, the satisfaction ofjob, beauty of life around you, the colours and fragrances and smiles..all so overwhelmingly important in our life. all we need is a little positive approach to life..a friendly demeanor and a lot to thank for to our creator.
Life is good..No Regrets!! thanks to Robbie williams philosopy I Feel life and revel in its beauty!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We have u to inspire us *hugs* :D