Sunday, November 7, 2010

Paintaholic!! Picasso in hiding!

You know its been a while and when I say awhile that really extends the length like the furthest end of the chewing gum...that I have taken up the brush again. I was quite young..well I dont call myself old any more just a little more mature. For a looonnngest time i was sweetest 16 for my kids till they found out from their friends when they were 10 that 16 was too little for a mom to be and so one day they came back all angry and vehement to tell them the truth and I had to unfortunately apprise them so I did and from 16 I became 18...and thats how the snail speed of my age graph has moved on.
But you know I feel age is just a number its us within..our soul age that matters..and I dont think I have grown up thaaat much, so the term matured a bit more fits me just perfect!
Well where was I?? oh yea I started with paints and brushes..yeah so well I was seriously painting when I was a young girl with no little wiggle naughty bambinos. That was the calmest time in my life till these cuddly bubblys invaded my life and woah a whirlwind started. Round n round we flew in it for years..the best times i would call them. Y ou have no idea how I abhorred the name of kids before I got hitched...but when they came my perception changed. I was a kid again..I played with them, jumped with them ,  climbed roofs and trees and mountains and did every thing that can be called being naughty much to the horror of my hubby dear who couldnt imagine a lady or rather a mommy dear behaving the same as the kiddies ...but after a while poor daddy got used to this arrangement and adopted the mommy as the older baby of the house. oh and so where was I ..oh yes the paints and brushes..well for a long time I tried picking up brushes and I had stints in which i did manage to paint a serie or two but its only now that I have found ample time to devote to this hobby again.
I have this passion to get up every morning and sit in my studio thinking of what to paint. Most would think of  what to cook but that I think about before I sleep at night and order early so that no one disturbs me in my trance. You have to see me in my trance, its like meditating..doing yoga rather. I sit calmly upon my poofs all curled up like a coiled hermit minnie mouse , a brush in my teeth.. a book in my hands and a canvass laid like a book infront of me. Music in the background is my inspirer that turns me on and I start as it gets to me!!! literally it comes like pouring rain..the inspirations I mean. and the artist in me stirs up and wriggles out and starts off to paint. By the time it stops the clock has moved on couple of hours and the cds have been changed and I look like michealangelo all smeared with blobs of red and yellow and favourite colour pallette. shows in most of my paintings.
wearily I descend but with a winning smirk on my face..completion of a mission done..a piece of art created from my factory. Although none of these can be termed as super duper art creations but to me its like achieving a long lost love..can'nt get enough of it. My hubby is perplexed where to hang all these different types of mood manias. he says I have become a paintaholic..facebookholic and writoholic all three dangerous signs of going save the world before I do that I feel I have to give the world my that the world may dig out one day and say wow there was a Picasso in hiding..he!he! well at least thats the sunshine I crave for!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

lol luckily for us this Picasso is not in hiding from us :D we have something to boast about right, left and center. You make us proud! May the sun always shower you with the sunshine you crave. Mwah.

- Nayab S.