Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spring is in the Air!

Every year it happens after a loong winter spell and a harsh cold wintery weather a ray of warm sunshine squeezes in and streaks across the deep cobalt grey skies.It warms our iced hearts and breaks into the warmest corners to steer us into a lovely weather that spells hope and rebirth and new horizons. Colours wash over all the flowers like water paints splashing on the canvasses. Stroke by stroke the hands of our Creator SubhanAllah deftly paints the hues and tones of all the brightest colours onto all his creations. Like the rainbows merging the butterflies fluttering together. The tones of reds and oranges and yellows splash across the green fields dancing and singing ..whirling and twisting with the symphony of the spring breeze.Birds join in this symphony tweeting the herald of the season of new beginnings. Butterflies and bees hover above the fields of painted sceneries serenading with the song of the spring. Joys of love and laughter give sparkle to the lovers eyes. People bask in the sunshine inhaling each and every fragrance, relishing each and every moment, recording each and every sound around them..its a amalgamation of colours, sounds and fragrance..a real treat to our senses.
Lahore and Islamabad in Pakistan are two such places that truly enjoy the essence of this season. Lahore in spring sets ablaze with the brightest hues every where.on the streets and roundabouts the colours abound. Loud music and rich aromas of fried pakwans lure the tourist to the popular old parts of the city..blaring sounds of dhol and chimta urge us to dance to the beats. Lahoris are fun loving people who find a reason to celebrate and that too in a big way. Lots of fun and gaeity..contrasting screaming colourful clothes..plenty of bling bling and clinking of the jewels create a beautiful combination. Islamabad is another city that itself has a lot to offer. Beautiful weather and lovely sights. Spring has a lot to offer.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sunshine in my Eye!: Storm in a Teacup!

Sunshine in my Eye!: Storm in a Teacup!: The lull before the storm is a bigger threat before the actual intensity hits our faces...there is a bigger storm that beckons the winds of ...

Storm in a Teacup!

The lull before the storm is a bigger threat before the actual intensity hits our faces...there is a bigger storm that beckons the winds of change. This is a storm that is brewing inside us more like a storm in a teacup. The inner feelings now seem dead and denied and looted and trampled upon but the boing point has reached its upper limit. Before it turns into a hurricane the vultures and hyenas stand awaiting the fall of  bleeding hearts. Time to contemplate and re-analyze is no more a requirement it is necessary that we save our freedom and uphold our dignity. Suppressing our anger will not stop the hurricane from slashing down our doors..Time has come to stand up and face this calamity upfront. Brick by brick build a wall of resilient people. Tear down these chains of agony and most of all let not the vultures attack the remnants of this great nation. We Shall Rise to Stand Tall Again!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sunshine in my Eye!: Mango People!

Sunshine in my Eye!: Mango People!: There may be different definitions of a term called 'Mango People'...Masses, Public, herd of brainless sheep but have you ever considered wh...

Mango People!

There may be different definitions of a term called 'Mango People'...Masses, Public, herd of brainless sheep but have you ever considered why a royal fruit as mango considered such and connected to a term as lame as this. Come to think of it Mango of all the fruits is the most sought after and the most expensive fruit to be found in all the countries around the world...we may be the only few lucky nations that have so many varieties available....our majority may be the ones dying to have only mangoes because they taste genuine and full of true and sincere flavour but the rest of the world do not have easy access to these fruits. For the Mangoes are the epitome of good quality and wholesome taste. Then why do the self acclaimed upper snobs degrade a simply exquisite fruit as mango? why not an apple that were the causes of fall of Adam and Eves or Nutty Bananas that are solely connected to monkey businesses? why not cherries and strawberries that are smallest seedy fruits with least amount of flesh or flavour to last in your mouth?? is that what you consider the idea of choosing the unique and ending in getting nothing in return??
If finding a juiceless apple or splotchy banana or tarry cherries your idea of being a special class that stands apart from being,'Mango class' then be it..I would rather be a Mango then a cherry on the top that is only considered decorative only for a while and thrown away when you really want a piece of that delectable chocolate cake which is again akin to mango..most sought after by most of the people!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sunshine in my Eye!: Time Tunnel!

Sunshine in my Eye!: Time Tunnel!: I  wish I were in a time tunnel where I could at leisure move from one time to another . Erase my mistakes and redo the things I did and did...

Time Tunnel!

I  wish I were in a time tunnel where I could at leisure move from one time to another . Erase my mistakes and redo the things I did and did not...tell her I loved her more than any thing and adored her pretty face that lit up every morning and her bubbly personality that gave me hope to carry on and fight with life and complete my life missions. I wish I could give her more happiness and satisfy her need to be loved more and more. I wish I could give her more time when all she craved was my company and her constant bickerings about my giving her lesser time as i got busier and busier with my family and friends and my jobs and errands. Although God knows I tried and I made serious efforts to be with her every week and every month when i was far but i wondered and felt frustrated why she was not still happy to leave me and let me go home. Now I understand that feeling of letting go of your loved one...of feeling the pain of the one who is closest to your heart..of having that urge to hold them and touch them and cuddle them.
Yes she was my mom who quietly left me in a lurch one fine day two years back. I tried telling her I needed her and loved her that day but she only listened and nodded and forced a smile and uttered in her frail and feeble voice..a whimper..that from now on you are completely on your own.........
I am on my own mama but i will never be alone..I know...I have your memories imprinted in my mind..I have your picture posted like an old dried rose that fades with time but the beauty of that rose remains in your heart...I just want you to know made me what i am today and I owe all this to you..I love you with all my heart and I miss you every day of my life!keep smiling and keep singing where ever you are!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sunshine in my Eye!: Easy Breezy Wind Chimes!

Sunshine in my Eye!: Easy Breezy Wind Chimes!: Today of all the Mondays and start again weekdays  dreary days I somehow seem to be really up and bright and chirpy and easy breezy because ...

Easy Breezy Wind Chimes!

Today of all the Mondays and start again weekdays  dreary days I somehow seem to be really up and bright and chirpy and easy breezy because of this west breeze fanning in and cooling all my burnt up brain fuses  bringing those musical chimes alive. Dancing and twisting, swirling and twirling these wind chimes soothe my senses and the west breeze lulls my stressed out joints and I rejuvenate and revitalize and restore my senses to revive my life and restart a week long ritual with the hope it ends on a peaceful and non stressful note and I am alive once more to be able to face another grueling weekday with a refreshed feeling.
My advice for a stress free ambiance...hang a number of wind chimes around your place and see the results!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sunshine in my Eye!: Totally Electrified!

Sunshine in my Eye!: Totally Electrified!: Come Summer rather than September in Pakistan the game of hide and seek gains momentum and the light curfew screechingly halts all life on o...

Totally Electrified!

Come Summer rather than September in Pakistan the game of hide and seek gains momentum and the light curfew screechingly halts all life on our side of the planet. Its a mummified situation where we are tied down in a dumbfounded state of mind where no one speaks nor does any one protest to speak for their basic rights. We are all lightness of our minds till the light years are made our destiny. No respite till the light drizzles of electricity washes off our dusty faces and cobwebbed minds.
What  tragic destiny we are roped in to face day after day, night after night. Perspiring beads of our toiled nights sparkle on our foreheads and sweet smell of hard earned perspiration drip drop by drop to tell the world we are alive. Still alive in the face of all calamities..still breathing hard to survive the last of the electric storms. One last blow and we will raze to the ground like a tree struck down to the ground by lightning. Totally Electrified and perished..the last of the brave hearts!!!

Monday, April 30, 2012

whethering weather changes!

Its a complete chaos these summers..Islamabad is still indecisive about leaving winter behind..summer sun glides in one day and shines with full force and next we know dark clouds and cold showers build up and pour their heart out. The changing weather patterns are affecting our daily lives in many ways.Here we are packing our woolies and there we are trying to rummage for a shawl for a stroll in the night. Just a few hours away Lahore is sweltering in its heat and down South Karachi is literally sizzling in only May.
Weather changes are affecting our minds also..Karachi sizzles with killing fields and Lahore boils with PM judiciary drama. Islamabad on the other hand is frigid about the Bhoja victims. Media sensationalizes with yellow fever and takes everyone head on whether they are the innocent Bhoja  victims or affected, trial court dramas of Pm being innocent or not, Lyari battlefield and fleeing public or weather hay wires in Islamabad.We are not concerned with what happens to the people of Pakistan. Weather has affected the mental ability of all and made them insensitive to the crying appeals of the masses.
Whether the media needs to restructure its strategies or revamp its journalistic cells is what we as masses need to decide and take decisions sooner than we think to control a strange pattern of yellow media windstorms before they take every issue in its grip and take it away in a hurricane.
Weathers cannot be planned but Media conditions can be curbed. Sensationalism can be taken with a pinch of salt but when it turns sour and affects the equilibrium of sanity then it has to be prevailed.
Whether or not this weather needs to be weathered for long is what we need to rethink and take action by taking out our pens..because pens are mightier than the swords!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sunshine in my Eye!: To wish or not to wish???

Sunshine in my Eye!: To wish or not to wish???: Wishes are like can run after them or tame them or drag them but you cannot harness them to your wishes the way you wish them t...

To wish or not to wish???

Wishes are like can run after them or tame them or drag them but you cannot harness them to your wishes the way you wish them to be. You can take them to a point but cannot make them drink from the same pond you are used to. So a point comes why wish? or wish for or even think that you can swish your wand and your wish will be given.
I some times wish I were Sabrina the witch of 'Bewitched' who could use the twitch of her nose and make things work. Clean the kitchen mess, unburn the food, do my hair in umpteenth no of hairdos and colour experiments and unwind if I did not like a job...Or I wish I could be like that Cinderella with a fairy god mother who could give me a cadillac or a BMW if not a horse carriage and dress me in HSYs latest gowns and Prada bags and Gucci glass heels and transport me to the fairy tale castle balls...hmmn.. but I also know that as it strikes 12 midnight all will disappear and there will I be wishing for more. Corny is'nt it?? To wish or not to wish?? because if we never wished for anything life will have no charm or meaning. It will lose all the beauty and a will to live. Wishes give us a goal to achieve and run after an ambition. They give us the strength to wake up every morning and muse to one self what makes my life worthwhile even though it may be dreary and dull and have no spark. Wishes drag us out of that dreariness and give us that special spark..a glint in our eyes to live feel alive again.
The only mistake we do in order to achieve those wishes is that we forget that all wishes cannot be achieved no matter what we do. So running after them is futile...yes make an effort but if they are beyond your means let go of them. Find a corner in your heart to wish for small sunshine in the winter bleak or a whiff of cool breeze in the summer heat or a smile upon your loved ones face or a rose with a shiny heart balloon or a chocolate chip cake bite from that certain know small wishes can make you happy and more satisfied with life instead of huge wishes that stress you and complicate matters and make you depressed.
 Wishes can get granted.. but most of the times they are denied...however life doesn't stop you from wishing more and striving to get them because thats what is the meaning of a wish or not to wish is what you have to decide and move on with life!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sunshine in my Eye!: Desert Rose!

Sunshine in my Eye!: Desert Rose!: Two months into the New Year life is slowly creeping back into normalcy.But the lush greens of my mind are still hibernating..waiting for th...

Desert Rose!

Two months into the New Year life is slowly creeping back into normalcy.But the lush greens of my mind are still hibernating..waiting for the spring to sprout. Hiding in the arid desert of  dead hopes a tiny rose bud is attempting to survive. The Desert Rose I call it. A single rose embedded in a circle of thorns keeping itself strong in the sandstorm. Alive in the hope that will this sandstorm pass by or leave its trails sucking the last of the drops of water from its roots. Will there be any seedlings left for the next season or will this year be its last?? Stakes are high bet upon this desert rose holding its roots deep into the changing sands. Will it last the end of this season or will another blow be required  to end its chapter.
But...little do they know..its not any wild rose hanging lose from the crannies of rocks nor is it some fresh cut rose that blooms in the most beautiful gardens and kept in vases as a showpiece for a day or two. It is a Desert of its kind..a rare specie found in the worst of the deserts of the world. It is meant to survive the worst winds and spread its fragrance all around no matter what!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Total Eclipse of the heart!

New year is about to start..herald a new beginning with a trumpet but sadly it rings no bell for me. The sunshine..the rays of hope it emitted is lost in the ashes of the dead fire. Its a total eclipse of the heart. No future no going back..the turmoil within..what will be will be !!! the fear lurking in the corner of the eyes..questions on the this our dream or is it the end of it?? Only time will tell.. New year bringing hopes alive or New year  sealing our chapter closed..
A total Eclipse of our Heart!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sunshine in my Eye!: Wind of Change!

Sunshine in my Eye!: Wind of Change!: Have I woken up or am I still sleeping as in a daze that takes you no where!! sleep walker i would term it..walking with closed eyes and clo...

Wind of Change!

Have I woken up or am I still sleeping as in a daze that takes you no where!! sleep walker i would term it..walking with closed eyes and closed minds. Is this the dream we dreamt for our new generation or are we still not there?? A sleepless state of mind that goes numb with pain..stabbed time and again by your own ...We are facing the challenges of the winds of Change..a wind that moans with cries of anguish and hearts filled with sorrow.A wind that beckons but once you saunter in  you are engulfed in the whirlwind of hardships..but isn't Revolution another name of sacrifice?? A tornado of years of turbulence and broken dreams?? Time to wake up and face the harsh wind outside..Time to enter the depths of miles and miles of charged clouds where your only hope is your auto pilot.. or your own instinct to guide you. Even that automated hope is also no more your option..Maybe you have no more options left to land some where in the middle also..Maybe it may also take years of an unfulfilled mission to no where. A time may also arrive that you might have to drop your tanks and guards and leave hopes of ever pushing your landing gears..but thats only maybe..a grim picture of what our generation can do in their dying stage but look at the brighter picture..wont we be the saviors of our next nestlings??? Giving them our dreams and releasing them  to fly on their own the clear skies that will take them higher and higher to places where we once dreamt of!! Before that dream realizes we have to face this Wind of Change like our forefathers did...get engulfed in this tornado now or forever lose hope of any rainbow after the rainstorm.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sunshine in my Eye!: Gliders in the skies!

Sunshine in my Eye!: Gliders in the skies!: Some time back a new movie that really inspired me to think and rethink about life was this Indian movie,'Zindagi na Milegi Dobara". Althoug...

Gliders in the skies!

Some time back a new movie that really inspired me to think and rethink about life was this Indian movie,'Zindagi na Milegi Dobara". Although the theme was almost the same that I repeat in my writings...the urge to live life at the fullest but one song that really took me by awe was the 'Khawabon kay Parinday'. You know it took me to years back when I wrote this little piece of poetry called, 'Broken Wings'..a melodramatic appeal to release me from all the restrictions that exist in our closed society..little that I thought at that stage was that the wings are never cut off .Its our selves who think that a bird inside us cannot fly in the open skies.There is so much to see, feel and do in this world that we may glide on and on and the unending skies will take us to the end of the rainbows..places where our minds have never even flown or thought of reaching. Its the bird inside us that has to take wings..take the courage to dive down or take off to new directions. We have to let go of our restrictions inside us holding us back to try new worlds, new horizons, new beginnings.Be a glider that just skims the skies without speed controls...just steer your controls to take the best options available to us and life will offer us the best. Till the time that bird inside is released to fly like a skimming glider we will keep feeling like a bird with cut off wings. You  see no one but ourselves is the pilot of our own destiny.Its only the will to survive and fight back and the hope to live life and appreciate the little things it offers us.We keep taking paths that lead us to only materialistic hoardings..never ever taking into account that happiness does not lie in material comes from little things as compassion, appreciation, love and care.Like a pressed rose will never exude the same fragrance or colour.It is only the wild rose that grows on the mountain crannies that will give us more pleasure to attain it because then we will know the worth of attaining it with so many hardships.   The choice is yours..Be the glider that flies with birds of the same feather and enjoys the hardships of life to find true happiness or be a caged bird who thinks she/he will never ever be able to touch the skies or even know how it feels to enjoy the cold slashes of air against our faces..!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sunshine in my Eye!: Cloud Burst or Outburst??? On a Lighter note!

Sunshine in my Eye!: Cloud Burst or Outburst??? On a Lighter note!: Recent cloud bursts have evoked a series of out bursts from all quarters...serious or non serious..loonng light fuse trips to bad mood grips...

Cloud Burst or Outburst??? On a Lighter note!

Recent cloud bursts have evoked a series of out bursts from all quarters...serious or non serious..loonng light fuse trips to bad mood grips..from water shortages to over flowing pipelines..from dunkin donuts to dunkin streets..from dancing in the rain to crying in the rain...Pakistan is riding the waves of a slush bob game. At one end is the country hanging at loose ends trying to play the cat & mouse games..the other end is feverishly in the grip to grasp the dengue on the loose. Down South people paddle furiously to latch onto any manna from heaven.. but alas the demi gods are heart broken..they need 'faren' pumping to renew their hearts..what remains is the remains of a limping broken hearted nation..munching on the last of the overly priced scarcely available vegemites..As for the white collar non entities life poses a serious challenge to conjure a lifestyle with no water and hardly any thing to eat...a great way to reduce in 15 days straight but crossing the line was never on the wish list..As if wishes were made to come true. Any ways another year is about to end and hopefully the wish list will only be a small wish to give us a reason to live...!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sunshine in my Eye!: A Cry in the Dark!!

Sunshine in my Eye!: A Cry in the Dark!!: A cry for help! A cry in the dark is all a Pakistani can muster in this time of trial and tribulation..what is our fate?? I ask myself!! Wha...

A Cry in the Dark!!

A cry for help! A cry in the dark is all a Pakistani can muster in this time of trial and tribulation..what is our fate?? I ask myself!! What did we do to bring on this continued punishment....A nation misunderstood and misinterpret..a result of mind boggling war games from all quarters..why we?? were'nt we considered to be the most hospitable and generous to to love??? we opened our gates and let our bleeding neighbours to rest in our shades not knowing they will be the ones to stab us under our own skies!! was our helping hand not enough to fight terrorism and sacrifice our sons in the wake of this mindless bloodshed??? and to what end do we keep on fighting a war where we were not even a part of in the beginning..we were pushed against the wall to fight back for sanity.
Come take a look at our green fields now burnt red with our soldiers blood. Come hear the haunted cries of innocent women and children who have no idea of why they are being shorn to die this way. Come take a look at their  frightened faces who do not know the meaning of another rising sun...what will a crippled animal do in such a state I ask?? Cower back in an alley for a while or attack back in defence?? Go back in time and envision a nation of soft hearted people hardened by unending trials and calculative hands adamant to destroy the sovereignty at all costs!!
I cry and cry again in the hope of someone listening out throw a light upon our plight and feel our pain...but in the darkness of the hardened hearts who will reach out and give a lending hand to a nation who lies dying its last breath!!!